Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Holiday Studio Sale

 In addition to the small florals, I have reduced the price on several still lifes and flowers on paper -- these are all original oil paintings, not prints, so get them while the getting's good! 

"I Danced at Your Wedding"

20x25cm (8x10")

oil on paper

£250 £175


"Sweet Nothing"

20x25cm (8x10")

oil on paper

£250 £175



"Ode to the Medium"

20x20cm (8x8")

oil on paper

 £150 £100


"Heart on My Sleeve"


oil on paper

£250 £175 


"Ankle Boots"

20x25cm (8x10")

oil on paper

£250 £175 


"All Good Luck"

20x25cm (8x10")

oil on paper

£200 £150




"Flight of Fancy"


oil on paper

£250 £175 





oil on paper

£250 £175 


Monday, November 25, 2024

Small florals -- sale continues!

 Will never tire of peonies! This one is especially flouncy and dramatic.


"Dramatic Entrance"

15x15cm (6x6")

oil on canvas

£200 £120 (includes shipping)

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Friday, November 22, 2024

Small Florals -- sale sale sale

Each flower has its own presence and personality... love this extravagant blossom in a humble little glass caper jar: diva, but a little scrappy.

 "Common Miracle"

12.5x17.5 cm (5x7")

oil on board

£200 £120 (includes shipping)

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Thursday, November 21, 2024

Small florals — more holiday sale!

Can’t stop with the pink peonies… utter perfection. 

 “Open Secret”

15x15cm (6x6”)

oil on board

£200 £120 (includes shipping)


Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Small florals -- holiday sale!

What joy! I love the pink candy-stripe of the peony's outermost petal... isn't it gorgeous? 


"What Joy"

15x15cm, oil on board

£200 £120 (includes shipping)

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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Small florals — sale!

You probably know someone who would love a little peony painting for Christmas — even if that someone is YOU. 


“Please and Thank You”

15x15cm (6x6”)

oil on cradled board 

£200 £120 

(Shipping included)

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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Painting the Face -- again!

Lucy Stopford and I are teaming up again for another portrait painting workshop at the Magdalen Art Space. 

You'll get two full days of painting, including live demos from each of us in the mornings and time to work on your own composition in the afternoons. I'll be using a photographic reference, and Lucy will use a live model, so you'll get an opportunity to try both. 

We both come from a foundational approach of using tone/value to understand and build up the head and features in paint, and we both work with oils using the Zorn palette. But we each have different styles and different outcomes, which means you'll get lots of practical guidance and the freedom to explore your own mark-making and approach. 

The workshop will take place over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 23-24 November, 2024, from 11am - 4pm. The cost is £150 for both days, and will include some materials, but we encourage you to bring your own supplies if you can (we will send a full list of materials when you book). Experience helpful but not required!

We'll be working in the Magdalen Art Space at the Magdalen Road Studios, which is near the Pegasus Theatre off Iffley Road. There are four parking spaces available for guests, please let us know if you will require one. Please be in touch with any questions, and please let me know if you'd rather pay via bank transfer: robindanely (at) gmail (dot) com

Painting the Face: with Lucy Stopford and Robin Danely

November 23-24, 2024

11am - 4pm



Friday, March 1, 2024

Painting the Face: Weekend Portrait Painting Workshop


Lucy Stopford and I taught a joint weekend portrait painting workshop last year, and thought we made a great team -- so we're offering another one!

You'll get two full days of painting, including live demos from Lucy and I in the mornings, and work on your own composition in the afternoons. I'll be teaching from photographic references, and Lucy's day will feature a live model, so you'll get an opportunity to try both. 

We both come from a foundational approach of using value to understand and build up the head and features in paint, and we both work with oils using the Zorn palette. But we each have different methods and different outcomes, which means you'll get lots of practical guidance and the freedom to explore your own mark-making and approach. 

The workshop will take place over the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 20 - 21 April, 2024, from 11am - 4pm both days. The cost is £150 for both days, and will include some materials, but we encourage you to bring your own supplies if you can (we will send a full list of materials when you book). Experience helpful but not required!

We'll be teaching in the Magdalen Art Space at the Magdalen Road Studios, which is near the Pegasus Theatre on Magdalen Road. There are four parking spaces available for guests, please let us know if you will require one. Please be in touch with any questions: robindanely (at) gmail (dot) com

Painting the Face: with Lucy Stopford and Robin Danely

April 20 - 21, 2024

11am - 4pm
