Monday, March 27, 2017

Lent 6 Palm Sunday

Donkey and Colt

This is the very beginning of the Palm Sunday story. Our church does a narrative reading of the whole passion story. One thing that struck me as I read the story is that Jesus sent the two disciples to get the donkey and its colt, and that Jesus rode with both of them into Jerusalem. What a tender entourage!

6x6 oil on panel
Lent 5

Lazarus: New Life

Jesus raises him from the dead. He can't believe it and is overcome with joy.

oil on panel
Lent 4

Light in the Darkness

Jesus heals a blind man. He doesn't hold back, but enters the darkness with mud and life.

Oil on panel, 6x6
Lent 3

The Samaritan Woman

A care-worn woman challenges Jesus and receives Living Water.

6x6 oil on panel
Lent 2

Nicodemus—Night Visitor

6x6; oil on panel
Lent 1

The Temptation of Christ

6x6 oil on panel
Epiphany 7

Jesus: "Love your enemies."

from the sermon on the mount

6x6 oil on panel